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Cornerstone Assistance Network of North Central Texas

Mission Statement

To empower our Neighbors in need through relationships and comprehensive services to impact current and future generations.

About Us

Cornerstone Assistance Network of North Central Texas has been serving Frisco residents for over 13 years. Cornerstone NCT works with individuals and families who are going through a financial hardship. The goal of the assistance is to provide financial assistance while helping define and solve the underlying issue that is causing the financial hardship. This is done through the comprehensive financial assistance program.

Programs and Services

The  comprehensive program provides assistance to neighbors in a number of critical ways, including the following:

·       Financial assistance

·       Budget training

·       Job placement assistance

·       Life skills coaching

These elements of Cornerstone’s comprehensive program are customized for each neighbor in the form an individualized plan. The neighbor receives this individualized plan through an initial meeting with one of Cornerstone’s case managers. Cornerstone believes deeply in the value of continuity and relationship to build the trust required to work through the comprehensive program, therefore it makes every effort to keep neighbors with the same case manager throughout the program.

Accountability is the bedrock of success in Cornerstone’s comprehensive program. Neighbors are asked to meet with their case manager monthly, and they are strongly encouraged to complete the assignments associated with their individualized plan. These assignments are designed to push the neighbor toward achieving their goals, which in turn provides them with the self-confidence to set higher goals of their own.

In order to graduate from Cornerstone’s comprehensive program, the neighbor must have steady employment for at least 30 days, a balanced budget, and a start of an emergency fund. Given the individualized nature of the program, it typically takes a neighbor between 3 and 6 months to graduate.



861 N Coleman




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861 N Coleman




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